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Job Vacancy 1:
HVAC / Refrigeration Engineer (Qualified)

Job Vacancy 2:
Full Apprenticeship (4yrs) Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

Call or email any queries please, as social media message channels are not monitored regularly.

#jobs #jobsdublin #apprenticeship #airconditioning #ShivaDublin
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Job Vacancy 1: 
HVAC / Refrigeration Engineer (Qualified)

Job Vacancy 2: 
Full Apprenticeship (4yrs) Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

Call or email any queries please, as social media message channels are not monitored regularly.

#jobs #jobsdublin #apprenticeship #airconditioning #ShivaDublinImage attachment


Apprenticeship (4yrs) Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

Call or email any queries please as social media message channels are not monitored regularly.

More info under the ‘jobs’ section on the website.

#jobs #jobsdublin #apprenticeship #airconditioning #ShivaDublin
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Apprenticeship (4yrs) Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

Call or email any queries please as social media message channels are not monitored regularly.

More info under the ‘jobs’ section on the website.

#jobs #jobsdublin #apprenticeship #airconditioning #ShivaDublin
2 years ago
Shiva Air Conditioning

We are in Croke Park for the IPC Ireland 2023 annual conference. The first in Ireland since Pre-Covid times!

Have any queries about HVAC? Looking to upgrade existing ventilation services? Or do you wish to discover how you can also improve your #infectionprevention control levels via your Ventilation system with our unique #airsterilisation products and solutions?

We are set up at stand 5 (with a lovely view of the famous pitch facing us)

#ShivaDublin #ipciconference #crokepark #GAA #dublin #ventilation #airconditioning #HSE #IPC #infectioncontrol #airpurifier #UVC #cleanair
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We are in Croke Park for the IPC Ireland 2023 annual conference. The first in Ireland since Pre-Covid times!

Have any queries about HVAC? Looking to upgrade existing ventilation services? Or do you wish to discover how you can also improve your #infectionprevention control levels via your Ventilation system with our unique #airsterilisation products and solutions?

We are set up at stand 5 (with a lovely view of the famous pitch facing us)

#ShivaDublin #IPCIconference #crokepark #gaa #dublin #ventilation #airconditioning #hse #ipc #infectioncontrol #airpurifier #uvc #cleanairImage attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment

We are at the annual UK IPC conference organised by Knowlex in #birmingham today & tomorrow. Looking forward to an informative 2 days ahead with multiple studies and speakers in line with the NHS.

Interested to learn how you can improve IPC in healthcare settings via upgrading existing ventilation or introducing additional filtration? Pop on over to us for a chat.

We are here to answer all your #hvac related queries.

#ShivaDublin #ipc2023 #nhs #ventilation #filtration #airpurifier #airsterilisation #airconditioning
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We are at the annual UK IPC conference organised by Knowlex in #birmingham today & tomorrow. Looking forward to an informative 2 days ahead with multiple studies and speakers in line with the NHS.

Interested to learn how you can improve IPC in healthcare settings via upgrading existing ventilation or introducing additional filtration? Pop on over to us for a chat.

We are here to answer all your #hvac related queries.

#ShivaDublin #ipc2023 #nhs #ventilation #filtration #airpurifier #airsterilisation #airconditioningImage attachmentImage attachment+5Image attachment

Job Vacancy 1: (1 Hire)
HVAC / Refrigeration Engineer (Qualified)
Job Vacancy 2: (2 Hires)
Apprenticeship (4yrs) Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

Call or email any queries please as social media message channels are not monitored regularly.
#jobs #jobsdublin #apprenticeship #airconditioning #ShivaDublin
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Job Vacancy 1: (1 Hire)
HVAC / Refrigeration Engineer (Qualified)
Job Vacancy 2: (2 Hires)
Apprenticeship (4yrs) Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

Call or email any queries please as social media message channels are not monitored regularly.
#jobs #jobsdublin #apprenticeship #airconditioning #ShivaDublinImage attachment

All set up this morning for Knowlex HFM & Care Homes 2022 in #birmingham

Any queries about benefits of mobile systems such as our own NRP50, or if you have any queries Healthcare related, including positive/negative pressure rooms, immunocompromised wards, OPD, clinical areas, patient wards or care homes, feel free to drop by for a chat 💬

#ShivaDublin #healthcare #infectioncontrol #infectionprevention #airquality #ventilation #ipc
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All set up this morning for Knowlex HFM & Care Homes 2022 in #birmingham 

Any queries about benefits of mobile systems such as our own NRP50, or if you have any queries Healthcare related, including positive/negative pressure rooms, immunocompromised wards, OPD, clinical areas, patient wards or care homes, feel free to drop by for a chat 💬 

#ShivaDublin #healthcare #infectioncontrol #infectionprevention #airquality #ventilation #ipcImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment
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